*Last edited: May 2021 by Eric Chan, ND

Chemical Sensitivity Treatment Options

Many naturopathic practices are filled with patients with chronic diseases, in which allergies and sensitivities play a role. Often there are patients who have been suffering for years without relief, or even a diagnosis that explains their suffering. In some cases, the conventional assessment has been chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, if there is persistent fatigue and/or muscle pain.

Less commonly there are naturopathic patients who's allergies are not strictly limited to the common environmental and seasonal allergies that often plague Vancouver and Richmond patients. Some individuals have what seem like reactions to multiple chemicals. These patients may react to things like detergents, perfumes, dyes, VOC (volatile organic compounds), foods, inhalants, even electromagnetic fields. The diagnosis of chemical sensitivity may apply when the patient is sensitive to low doses of these compounds with which non-chemically sensitive patients would have no problem.

With chemical sensitivity, it is important to ascertain both the underlying triggers (so that temporary avoidance) and potential underlying attributing factors of chemical sensitivity.

Testing for triggers to chemical sensitivities as well as factors that may perpetuate the reactivity and multiple chemical sensitivity

Blood tests for antibodies against potential triggers

  •  specific IgG and/or IgE antibodies directed against foods and/or IgE against inhalants may be useful in some cases

  • antibodies against molds can be useful to get an idea of allergy, or exposure history 

Heavy metals are part of the “total load” of toxins in the body

  • testing may consist of blood levels of heavy metals (conventional blood test), provoked chelation urine toxic metals test, and occasionally hair or urine porphyrin testing

Chronic infections

  • low grade infections, including sensitivities to candida, chronic lyme, coinfections, other chronic infections


  • often one of the most important factors to assess

  • issues of water damage can be hidden, and often have happened in the past but may have been repaired

  • only subsets of people are susceptible to issues with mycotoxins, and other family members living in the same environment may be healthy

Organic toxins

  • can include solvents, pesticides

  • differs from acute toxicity but rather if found to be elevated in the urine may be associated with an increased body burden

Naturopathic chemical sensitivity treatment

Environmental controls (to reduce chemical, mold & allergen exposure) may be recommended.  There is often a goal of optimizing patient terrain and gut function, in addition to traditional naturopathic therapies.  Identification of the allergen and chemicals is important, again for temporary avoidance or reduction in exposure.

Sauna detoxification

Sauna detoxification may help reduce the total body burden of various toxins. There is some excretion of the chemicals through sweat, but most research indicates that the liver is still responsible for the processing of the majority of toxins liberated from storage in the body. Sauna drives heat and blood flow to the fat tissue, where organic, fat-soluble toxins may be stored. As these toxins are mobilized to the blood, the liver processes these toxins for excretion in the urine and in the stool.

In my experience, chemical sensitivity patients using saunas may have to be more cautious that the general population. It may be best for the liver function to be optimized first. Saunas may be recommended in conjunction with therapies that help to reduce the reactivity when the toxins are mobilized. This can include supplements and medications taken orally as well as in office treatments.

Micronutrient therapy

Often optimization of the micronutrients is important in order to have both the energy for detoxification at the cellular level as well as energy on a daily basis. Sometimes more specific information can be gathered by testing such as an organic acids assay, which is a test done in the urine that gives information on energy pathway metabolites. This may be a better way to assess for nutrient deficiencies or at least dependencies.

Oxidation therapy

Oxidative therapy such as ozone therapy can be useful in helping regulate and excessive inflammatory response, as well as improve oxygen delivery and circulation. This may be important in chemical sensitivity treatment as an imbalance or over-reactivity of the immune system may be a mechanism partially attributing to the patient's symptoms. Please see the above link page for further reading and some of the references that may be interesting.

Metal detoxification

In select cases, if heavy metals are found to be part of the total body burden of toxins, then detoxification therapy aimed at these metals may be recommended help to remove them. In chemical sensitivity patients however, in my experience, it needs to be part of a comprehensive program as opposed to a stand-alone therapy.

If you are interested in the above assessment and treatment options, and would like to investigate these avenues, call the office at 604 275 0163 to book an appointment with Dr Tawnya Ward, ND.