Naturopathic treatment of fibromyalgia goes beyond pain control.

Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder traditionally diagnosed and treated by rheumatologists. The diagnosis is often made on exclusionary grounds, meaning that other diseases are ruled out, and then the label or diagnosis of fibromyalgia is given. Often fibromyalgia points or fibromyalgia pressure points are used to help confirm the diagnosis when no other cause of symptoms can be found. There are many options for natural fibromyalgia treatment, depending on what contributing factors or disorders are found.

 Diagnosing Fibromyalgia 

Fibromyalgia points and fibromyalgia pressure points

·        Occiput: suboccipital muscle insertion at the base of the skill

·         Low cervical: C5-C7 in between the joints at the muscles beside the spine

·        Trapezius: midpoint of the upper trapezius, where people often get "massages" or "shoulder rubs"

·        Supraspinatus: at the top of the inner triangle of the scapula

·        Gluteal: upper outer quadrants of buttocks

·        Greater trochanter: right behind what many people feel as the "hip bone" but is actually the greater trochanter

·        Second rib: where the ribs come into contact with the breast bone

·        Lateral epicondyle: an inch down from the outside elbow bone

·        Knee: inner fat pad up from the joint line

 The above points are used, and if other medical causes are excluded, then usually we look for at least 11 of the fibromyalgia points to be tender when palpated gently. The second conventional criteria for a fibromyalgia diagnosis is that the pain has had to be widespread for at least 3 months.

 Newer criteria published in 2016 are published at:

Some of the conditions that should be ruled out or assessed for include hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, polymyalgia rheumatica, cardiac and gastrointestinal problems, chronic infections.

 Functional diagnosis of fibromyalgia

There is often some level of dysfunction that I have found in my Vancouver fibromyalgia patients. This usually includes thyroid disorders, adrenal hypo-functioning (adrenal fatigue), increased body burden of toxins (including heavy metals and/or solvents), multiple chronic infections, and occasionally nutritional deficiencies (notably an increased need for magnesium and B12). Furthermore, sleep is often poor.

Depending on the history, evaluations can help to guide interventions that may help quality of life and the symptoms. As an example, if there is evidence of immune function dysregulation, such as a low CD3+, we may consider concurrent chronic viral infection as part of the diagnosis. In primary fibromyalgia without evidence of viral activation, the CD3+ is typically found to be normal and similar to controls - whereas a low CD3+ count is often associated with viral infection. The CD3 count alone is not enough to make reliable treatment decisions and is dependent on other information from the history, exam and labs.

 Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment


The hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis is very important in recovering with fibromyalgia treatment. Thyroid hormone, when it acts on the cells of the body, drives the metabolic activity. In effect, it is the "furnace" of the system. With an under-functioning thyroid, or tissue resistance to thyroid hormone, the muscle cells themselves can be starving for energy as they do not produce enough ATP fuel to function optimally. Combined with the central nervous system hypersensitivity often seen in fibromyalgia, it may contribute to chronic widespread pain. Assessment involves the usually done TSH, but also blood levels of the actual hormones free T3 and free T4, as well as for sick euthyroid syndrome (measuring reverse T3 may be useful).


In my experience, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is also important in fibromyalgia treatment. With any prolonged illness, the adrenals may be under-functioning; whether it is the sole cause of the symptoms is more debatable. Chronic fatigue is often a component of fibromyalgia, and needs to be addressed in treatment. In my experience, getting the adrenals and thyroid into check can often help. I check into adrenal function with either a 4 point salivary test to measure the cortisol pattern, or with a 24 hour urine test to measure the total daily production of adrenal hormones (may be more accurate, but much more expensive).  A first morning serum cortisol is an option as well.


Both heavy metals and organic solvent toxins (eg pesticides) may have the potential to make the nerves much more sensitive to stimuli. Furthermore, both heavy metals and organic solvents can poison the mitochondria in the cells, which are responsible for the production of ATP (energy source of the cell). I may recommend a pre and post provocative challenge for heavy metals (IV chelation and urine collection to see what metals are coming out) and test the organic toxins with either a urine or blood test, if the history indicates. If levels are high, then fibromyalgia treatment would likely include detoxification as part of the protocol.


Multiple chronic infections causing immune dysfunction and central nervous system hypersensitization may be a component, at least in my experience.  I have a special interest in tick-borne illnesses, including lyme disease and the associated coinfections. A subset of fibromyalgia patients may improve markedly when started on treatment for lyme and the coinfections. Objective tests like lyme western blots may be helpful in this case, to differentiate patients who may benefit from antimicrobial treatment from those who supportive treatment may serve best.


There is evidence that magnesium is important in fibromyalgia, as well as ribose and vitamin B12. In my experience, a subset of patients with fibromyalgia experience pain reductions with these measures. 


Sleep is paramount in fibromyalgia treatment. Fibromyalgia patients will not be cured of their condition when sleep is restored, but both pain and energy do seem to improve in my experience. Sometimes the adrenal assessment above can give causes to dysfunctional sleep-wake cycles, and sometimes trial of medications can be useful. From the natural fibromyalgia treatment standpoint, I like nutrients like AOR Ortho Sleep, Somno Pro from Bioclinic Naturals, as well as pharma GABA and theanine, depending on the clinical picture. Drugs like amitryptiline and gabapentin can be useful, when pain is impairing sleep. Trazodone and mirtazapine in sleep dosing (not antidepressant dosing) may also be useful.

General Natural Fibromyalgia Treatments may be useful in many patients

The work up of fibromyalgia patients from a naturopathic doctor standpoint can be extensive. We assess for other conditions that may present like fibromyalgia or contribute to it’s symptoms. When we take a holistic and naturopathic view to fibromyalgia treatment, all of the systems discussed above come into play. Depending on largely clinical history, and some lab tests, one or more of the above factors may become the target of fibromyalgia treatment for any particular patient.

There are some general measures though that are most helpful in my experience for fibromyalgia patients: 

Sleep quality

-  Acupuncture

Ozone and Magnesium (Ozone stimulates improved oxygenation, helps the blood to unload oxygen to the tissues more readily, and increases the antioxidant capacity of the tissues. 4-6 sessions may be recommended, and course of treatment is generally 10-15 treatments.)  All treatments recommended are individualized to case specifics.

 Nutrient optimization

Ozone therapy safety (major autohemotherapy): A survey done in Germany of close to 5 million ozone treatments showed an accident rate of 7 serious incidents, all associated with direct IV injection of the gas (not done in our clinic).  There is a slight possibility of allergy to heparin, though this is a commonly used blood thinner. Some patients do not like the site of their own blood, but they quickly become accustomed to this.

In our experience, the most frequently seen (but still rare) side effect is dizziness/vasovagal/fainting reaction due not at all to the volume of the blood, but rather the needle experience as well as seeing the blood. Possible but extremely rare complications may include soft tissue infection (as with any injection / blood draw), or vein inflammation and clots.

One recent case study has been published on ozone therapy where a single patient with kidney failure had high blood potassium and subsequent arrhythmia. The authors had concluded that the ozone therapy (which looked to be done 9 days in a row) was to blame, but this is not at all clear. The authors did not think that red cell breakdown was responsible for the high blood potassium, but that is the only mechanism that would make sense if the ozone was done daily. Theoretically low grade red cell breakdown would release potassium, and if the treatment is overdone and the kidneys can not excrete this could accumulate.

Ozone therapy in fibromyalgia natural treatment

I have found the above ozone therapy to be quite useful in many fibromyalgia patients. It is an adjunctive treatment, used in conjunction with the other measures such as an anti-inflammatory diet, sleep optimization, mitochondrial support and optimization. It is likely multimodal with effects on both circulation as well as immune function, as detailed here.


PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-five patients with fibromyalgia, according to the definition of the American College of Rheumatology (Arthritis Rheum 1990; 33: 160-172), were treated at the MEDE Clinic (Sacile, Pordenone, Italy) from February 2016 to October 2018. Females were 55 and males were 10; age ranged from 30 to 72 years, and the time from fibromyalgia diagnosis ranged from 0.5 to 33 years. Treatment was made by autohemotransfusion in 55 patients and by ozone rectal insufflations in 10 patients, according to SIOOT (Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy) protocols, twice a week for one month and then twice a month as maintenance therapy. RESULTS: We found a significative improvement (>50% of symptoms) in 45 patients (70%). No patient reported important side effects. In conclusion, at our knowledge, this is the largest study of patients with fibromyalgia treated with ozone therapy reported in the literature and it demonstrates that the ozone therapy is an effective treatment for fibromyalgia patients without significant side effects.

CONCLUSIONS: At the moment, ozone therapy seems a treatment that, also because without any side effect, is possible to be proposed to patients with fibromyalgia that are not obtaining adequate results from other available treatments and it can be considered as complementary/integrative medicine.

Photoluminescence therapy (ultraviolet blood irradiation) was used extensively in the 30's to 40's before the advent of antibiotics and the vaccine for polio.  It has an extensive safety and efficacy record. For a great summary of this treatment, buy the book "Into the Light" at  An online article also available is “The Cure that time forgot” which summarizes much of the published experience.  Potential side effects of ultraviolet blood irradiation are similar to those mentioned above for ozone therapy/major autohemotherapy.

 If you are a patient interested in this approach to fibromyalgia treatment, please call the office at 604 275 0163 to schedule an appointment with Dr Eric Chan (ND). Do let the receptionist know that it is for fibromyalgia, so she will know it is a complex case and book enough time.

 Reference: Fibromyalgia, nutrient deficiency, heavy metals

 Bjørklund G, Dadar M, Chirumbolo S, Aaseth J. 2018. Fibromyalgia and nutrition: Therapeutic possibilities? Biomed Pharmacother. 2018 Jul;103:531-538.

  References: Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia

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 References: Acupuncture for Headaches, Pain

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References: Ozone

 Bocci V, Zanardia I, Valacchi G, Borrelli E, Travagli V. 2015. Validity of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy as Integrated Medication Form in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets. 2015;15(2):127-38.

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 References: Ozone and Diabetes

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References: Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation

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References: Chelation therapy (general chelation references)

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